
All HPC jobs have a walltime limit and any jobs that exceeds this will be stopped and work can be lost. If a job needs to run longer then any progress will need to be saved and a new job submitted to continue the calculation. For some applications this is as simple as saving the current progress to a file and then reloading it later, indeed some applications have built-in methods of doing this. However, if it doesn't it might be possible to use an external tool called DMTCP to checkpoint a job.

Loading DMCTP into your environment

DMCTP is provided by Easybuild so first the production tool base needs to be loaded the DMTCP module can be loaded. Please ensure the selected version matches the current toolchain used for the rest of the job. For example, here we are using the GCCcore 11.3.0 tool chain:

module load tools/prod
module load DMTCP/3.0.0-GCCcore-11.3.0

If DMTCP is not available for the toolchain you wish to use, please let us know. To verify if DMTCP is available in your environment, run the following command:

dmtcp_command --version

If DMTCP is properly installed and accessible, it will display the version information.

dmtcp_command (DMTCP) 3.0.0
License LGPLv3+: GNU LGPL version 3 or later
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see COPYING file for details.


A dmtcp_coordinator process must be started before dmtcp is able to handle checkpoints. There should be exactly one dmtcp_coordinator per job and in the case of multi-node jobs, the coordiantor should be started on the first node. The coordinator will then be able to communicate with all other nodes to run dmtcp_checkpoint and dmtcp_restart which are set via the DMTCP_HOST and DMTCP_PORT environment variables. While the dmtcp_coordinator can be started manually it is generally simpler to use the integrated launcher unless you want to manually control checkpointing.

Launching a process with checkpointing

The easiest way to enable checkpointing of a given application is to use dmtcp_launch. For example, to enable checkpointing every 10 minutes run the following,

dmtcp_launch -i 600 ./a.out

Here we are setting the checkpoint interval in the launch command but it can also be set via the DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL environmental variable. This interval should not be set too aggressively as this will cause significant load on the RDS. Generally we recommend a minimum of 10 minutes but if the checkpoint files are large or your application uses a lot of memory when running this time should be increased. Also note that each checkpoint will be a seperate file which will count against a users RDS quota.

Restarting from a checkpoint:

When a process is terminated a restart script should be created which is the easiest method to restart. To restart a program from a previous checkpoint, use the following command:


If you want to restart from an earlier checkpoint or if the restart script wasn't created you can use dmtcp_restart and the matching dmtcp file.

dmtcp_restart ckpt_a.out_*.dmtcp

This method can run into issues and using the script is generally safer.

Submitting jobs to PBSPro with DMTCP:

Putting this all together we can build a simple PBSPro script for running a C binrary. You can replace a.out with your application or binrary.

#PBS -N my_job
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=3:mem=4gb
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00

# Load required modules
module load tools/prod
module load DMTCP/3.0.0-GCCcore-11.3.0

# Set DMTCP environment variables
export DMTCP_COORD_PORT=$(shuf -n 1 -i 20000-65535)


# Start process with DMTCP
dmtcp_launch ./a.out

An example of a PBSPro job that restarts an earlier checkpointed process would be,

#PBS -N my_job
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=3:mem=4gb
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00

# Load required modules
module load tools/prod
module load DMTCP/3.0.0-GCCcore-11.3.0

# Set DMTCP environment variables
export DMTCP_COORD_PORT=$(shuf -n 1 -i 20000-65535)


# Restart process from checkpoint

Important environmental variables

Generally it is fine to use the default settings for DMTCP but there a few settings that can tweeked.

DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL=integer Time in seconds between automatic checkpoints. Checkpoints can also be initiated manually by typing 'c' into the coordinator. (default: 0, disabled; dmtcp_coordinator only)

DMTCP_HOST=string Hostname where the cluster-wide coordinator is running. (default: localhost; dmtcp_checkpoint, dmtcp_restart only)

DMTCP_PORT=integer The port the cluster-wide coordinator listens on. (default: 7779)

DMTCP_GZIP=(1|0) Set to "0" to disable compression of checkpoint images. (default:0, compression disabled; dmtcp_checkpoint only)

DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_DIR=path Directory to store checkpoint images in. (default: ./)

DMTCP_SIGCKPT=integer Signal number to use for checkpointing. Must not be used by the user program. (default: SIGUSR2; dmtcp_checkpoint only)