Research Data Store
The Research Data Store is provided by the RCS for storing large volume of research data. You don't have to be registered in the HPC to use this service. Please visit the Research Computing Service Getting Access for information on how to register for the RDS.
Managing your Research Data
It is important to manage the data you store on the RDS to ensure that you comply with the University's and your funders Research Data Management policy, and also to reduce the frustration of locating data as your data volumes grow. The following links will introduce you to research data management, best practices and policies held by the College and many of the main grant funders.
Sensitive Data
The RDS (project allocations and HPC home areas) are not suitable for storing personal or sensitive personal data. If you are working with data of this type, please consult with the Saving my files page for advice on where your data can be stored.
Using the Research Data Store
These pages contain the user guide for managing and accessing the RDS. It additionally provides advice on transferring data to/from the RDS. Please see the following pages for more information.